"Freckle" Quotes from Famous Books
... far sighted. And when he laughed, what with the shine of his hair and brows and light lashes, and the flash of his eyes and his teeth, the effect was as if sunlight were upon his face—though the sun so seldom shone upon him that he had not one boyish freckle. ... — The Rich Little Poor Boy • Eleanor Gates
... Two large, freckle-faced, sandy-haired women were hugging each other, and wiping their eyes; and a very small girl was tugging at their dresses and crying, while a pair of girls of from twelve to fourteen, close by them, seemed very much inclined to dance. ... — Crowded Out o' Crofield - or, The Boy who made his Way • William O. Stoddard
... to—some of them. Tilly's tried already. She gave me two items this noon, all written down. One was that O. B. J. had a new freckle on the left side of his nose, and the other that Bertha hadn't said 'I told ... — The Sunbridge Girls at Six Star Ranch • Eleanor H. (Eleanor Hodgman) Porter
... many presents. Lossing tells us that she would sometimes pass along their lines and get her cocked hat full of crowns. He also says the widow of General Hamilton told him she had often seen 'Captain Molly,' as she was called, and described her as a red-haired, freckle-faced young Irish woman, with ... — Elsie's Vacation and After Events • Martha Finley |