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Mallow   /mˈæloʊ/   Listen

Any of various plants of the family Malvaceae.

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"Mallow" Quotes from Famous Books

... visit, unless there should happen to be a charity sermon while you are at Hale. In that case, pray don't put less than half-a-crown in the plate. Those things are noticed so much. And now, good-bye, my dear. I don't suppose I shall see you again between this, and Tuesday. Miss Mallow will come to you to try-on the day after to-morrow at one o'clock, remember; be sure you are at home. She will have hard work to get your things ready in time; but I shall look in upon her once or twice, to keep her up to the mark. Pray do your best to secure Lady Laura's friendship. Such ...
— The Lovels of Arden • M. E. Braddon

... 36. Mallow, Malva; the curl'd, emollient, and friendly to the Ventricle, and so rather Medicinal; yet may the Tops, well boil'd, be admitted, and the rest (tho' out of use at present) was taken by the Poets for all Sallets in general. Pythagoras held Malvae folium Sanctisimum; and we find ...
— Acetaria: A Discourse of Sallets • John Evelyn

... the Abbey river, among water-lilies whose flowers had all died long ago, face downwards. The season of golden flowers, buttercup, marsh-mallow, was over. The fields were grayish-green, with ruddy tinges here and there. The ...
— The Golden Calf • M. E. Braddon

... all very well a husband but you cant fool a lover after me telling him we never did anything of course he didnt believe me no its better hes going where he is besides something always happens with him the time going to the Mallow concert at Maryborough ordering boiling soup for the two of us then the bell rang out he walks down the platform with the soup splashing about taking spoonfuls of it hadnt he the nerve and the waiter after him making a holy show ...
— Ulysses • James Joyce

... money. He refused to pay me for the last two months, about fifty pounds. There was no redress for me. There was no possible way I could get back at him. Miss Chetwood, I took money that did not belong to me. It went over gaming-tables. Craig. I ran away. Craig knows and this man Mallow knows. Can you not see the wisdom of ...
— Parrot & Co. • Harold MacGrath

... Buckshorn Plantain. Burnet. Caterpillar. Celery. Celeriac, or Turnip-rooted Celery. Chervil. Chiccory, or Succory. Corchorus. Corn Salad. Cress, or Peppergrass. Cuckoo Flower. Dandelion. Endive. Horse-radish. Lettuce. Madras Radish. Mallow, Curled-leaf. Mustard. Nasturtium. Garden Picridium. Purslain. Rape. Roquette, or Rocket. Samphire. Scurvy-grass. Snails. Sweet-scented Chervil, or Sweet Cicely. Tarragon. Valeriana. Water-cress. Winter-cress, or ...
— The Field and Garden Vegetables of America • Fearing Burr

... lent the man his Mull." Beauing, belling, dancing, drinking, Breaking windows, damning, sinking, Ever raking, never thinking, Live the rakes of Mallow. ...
— The Morris Book • Cecil J. Sharp

... shoots, soon acquire a fondness for it. I have known several instances of herds being fed almost if not entirely on the bruised plant, and to keep in good condition. The late Professor Murphy, of Cork, stated that on the farm of Mr. Boulger, near Mallow, thirty-five cows were fed on crushed furze, which they "devoured voraciously." Each animal received daily from four to six stones of the crushed plant, to which were added a little turnip pulp and ...
— The Stock-Feeder's Manual - the chemistry of food in relation to the breeding and - feeding of live stock • Charles Alexander Cameron

... went on the druggist "let me alone, hang it! My word! One might as well set up for a grocer. That's it! go it! respect nothing! break, smash, let loose the leeches, burn the mallow-paste, pickle the gherkins in the window jars, tear up ...
— Madame Bovary • Gustave Flaubert

... ground the eye can find; the only piece of ground from which the eye turns away; for even the potato-field close by, the common potato-field, had its colour in bright poppies, and there were partridges in it, and at the edges, fine growths of mallow and its mauve flowers. Wild parsley, still green in the shelter of the hazel stoles, is there now on the bank, a thousand times sweeter to the eye than bare iron and cold evergreens. Along that hedge, the white bryony wound itself in the most beautiful manner, completely covering the upper part ...
— The Open Air • Richard Jefferies

Words linked to "Mallow" :   Malacothamnus fasciculatus, checkerbloom, Sidalcea malviflora, family Malvaceae, butter-print, sleeping hibiscus, malope, Sphaeralcea remota, velvetweed, hollyhock, Sida hermaphrodita, Malva sylvestris, Hibiscus moschatus, Abelmoschus moschatus, jellyleaf, Sphaeralcea fasciculata, cheese, bush, Malva moschata, mus rose, hibiscus, velvetleaf, althea, althaea, abelmosk, China jute, Iliamna remota, mountain hollyhock, Sida rhombifolia, Malope trifida, velvet-leaf, Malva neglecta, Queensland hemp, Iliamna acerifolia, cheeseflower, Napaea dioica, Abutilon theophrasti, Sida spinosa, wild hollyhock, shrub, Malvaceae, Iliamna ruvularis

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