"Microscopically" Quotes from Famous Books
... amoeba," David Guinness's curiously cracked voice said. "Just as it exists on the surface, only microscopically. Primate life...." ... — Astounding Stories, April, 1931 • Various
... Fibres of Clothing.—Microscopically, wool fibres are coarse, curly, and striated transversely; cotton fibres appear as flattened bands twisted into spirals; linen fibres are round, jointed at frequent intervals, with small root-like filaments; silk fibres are solid, continuous, ... — Aids to Forensic Medicine and Toxicology • W. G. Aitchison Robertson
... necessary, in order to ascertain what ingredients are missing in the blood; they cannot be detected microscopically. ... — Valere Aude - Dare to Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration • Louis Dechmann
... EGG.—The male or papa egg is called a "spermatozoa." It reaches the interior of the womb through the lower opening, which you will remember opens into the vagina. Emphasize to your daughter that the female ovule or egg, and the male egg, or spermatozoa, are minute objects, so microscopically small that a hundred million of them could comfortably lie ... — The Eugenic Marriage, Vol 2 (of 4) - A Personal Guide to the New Science of Better Living and Better Babies • W. Grant Hague
... Examined microscopically, the cortex shows differences of structure in different parts, and to the structural differences probably correspond differences of function. Now it is practically impossible that such a function as attention or memory should have any localized cortical ... — Psychology - A Study Of Mental Life • Robert S. Woodworth
... by the hundred, in boxes containing most of these things, have gathered outdoor cocoons by the peck, and microscopically examined dozens of them, and with the exception of leaf, twig, bark, or some other foundation against which it was spun, I never have seen a cocoon with shred, filament, or particle of anything used in its composition that was not drawn from the spinning tube or internal organism of the caterpillar, ... — Moths of the Limberlost • Gene Stratton-Porter
... answered, but he did the same with his bread, his meat, and everything he ate. He would hold a piece on his fork to the light, scrutinize it microscopically, and only after long deliberation decide to put ... — The Brothers Karamazov • Fyodor Dostoyevsky
... mighty armada and was now only a tattered remnant, was floating in orbit, along with the other remaining ships of the fleet, around a bloated red-giant sun. With their drives off, there was no way of detecting them at any distance, and the chance of their being found by accident was microscopically small. But they could not wait forever. Water could be recirculated, and energy could be tapped from the nearby sun, but food was gone once it ... — The Highest Treason • Randall Garrett
... He traced this simple common structure through the complications and modifications in which it appeared in the different groups of Medusae, in all this work bringing out the prevailing features of the anatomy in contrast to the individual peculiarities. He shewed that microscopically all the complicated systems of canals and organs were composed of two "foundation-membranes," two thin webs of cells, one of which formed the outermost layer of the body, while the inner formed the lining of the stomach ... — Thomas Henry Huxley; A Sketch Of His Life And Work • P. Chalmers Mitchell
... one other person in the room: a microscopically small footboy, who waited on the malevolent man who hadn't got into the Post-Office. Even this youth, if his jacket could have been unbuttoned and his heart laid bare, would have been seen, as a distant adherent ... — Little Dorrit • Charles Dickens
... the most acute physician to distinguish between these two diseases by the appearances of the throat alone. In order to do so it is necessary to rub off some of the discharge from the tonsils, and examine, microscopically, the kind of germs contained therein. The general points of difference are: in diphtheria the tonsils are usually completely covered with a gray membrane. In the early stage, or in mild cases of diphtheria, there may be only a spot on one tonsil, but it is apt to be yellow ... — The Home Medical Library, Volume II (of VI) • Various
... examination of the scene. He examined the stakes, having in mind the possibility of finger-prints. But no tell-tale mark had been left behind. The stakes were too rough to admit the possibility of any finger-prints that might be microscopically detected. The road and prairie surrounding the automobile were examined, but nothing save pony tracks, numerous and indiscriminately mingled, ... — Mystery Ranch • Arthur Chapman
... where many thousands of cases are annually treated, a chemical laboratory has been fitted up, and a skillful chemist is employed, who makes a specialty of examining the urine, both chemically and microscopically, and reporting the result to the attending physicians. His extended experience renders his services invaluable. With his assistance, maladies which had hitherto baffled all efforts put forth to determine their true character, have frequently been quickly ... — The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English • R. V. Pierce
... calcareous anchors of Synapta cannot have been produced directly by the friction of the sand and mud at the bottom of the sea, and, since they are parts whose function is passive the Lamarckian factor of use and disuse does not come into question. The conclusion is unavoidable, that the microscopically small variations of the calcareous bodies in the ancestral forms have been intensified and accumulated in a particular direction, till they have led to the formation of the anchor. Whether this has taken place by the action of natural selection alone, or whether the laws of variation and the ... — Evolution in Modern Thought • Ernst Haeckel
... usual, we get a lopsided view from the historians: in this case from Thucydides, who slurred through a sort of synopsis of the far more important and world-interesting mid-fifth century, and then dealt microscopically with these twenty-five years or so of trumpery raidings, petty excursions and small alarms. That naval battle at Syracuse, which Creasy puts with Marathon in his famous fifteen, was utterly unimportant: tardy Nicias might have won ... — The Crest-Wave of Evolution • Kenneth Morris
... room. The mite may be detected more readily by placing scrapings on black cardboard and warming, or better by macerating scabs or scrapings in a solution of caustic soda or potash and then examining them microscopically. Like other acari, this is wonderfully prolific, a new generation of fifteen individuals being possible every fifteen days, so that in three months the offspring of a single pair may produce generations aggregating 1,500,000 young. The Sarcoptes have less vitality than ... — Special Report on Diseases of the Horse • United States Department of Agriculture |