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Parochial school   /pərˈoʊkiəl skul/   Listen
Parochial school

A private religious school run by a church or parish.  Synonym: church school.

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"Parochial school" Quotes from Famous Books

... must be ready to overflow," went the letter in the carefully phrased French that the brothers taught at the parochial school, "and I am glad, for I want to see the dear maman and my Louisette. I am not so well, and Monsieur le docteur says it is well for me to go to ...
— The Goodness of St. Rocque and Other Stories • Alice Dunbar

... baker then: now he was an old one, and notwithstanding the guarded praise of friends and the partial approval of the public (notably of that portion of the public under the age of ten years that attended St. Bridget's Parochial School) he full well knew that his efforts through all these years to make, in New York, lebkuchen such as he himself had eaten when he was a boy, at home in Nuernberg, had been neither more nor less than a long series ...
— A Romance Of Tompkins Square - 1891 • Thomas A. Janvier

... in 1859, but taken to Louisville a year later; her father, Charles Joseph Anderson, dying in 1863, an officer in the Confederate army, Mary Anderson was reared by her mother in the Roman Catholic faith and received her education in a parochial school at Louisville. She left school before she was fourteen, and two years later, as we have seen, was upon the stage. Her first appearance won her an engagement at Louisville, and for thirteen years thereafter she was an actress, never in a stock ...
— American Men of Mind • Burton E. Stevenson

Words linked to "Parochial school" :   religious school, church school, Catholic school

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