"Resentfully" Quotes from Famous Books
... wi' th' work'us?" Polly asked resentfully, and seized the bread under one arm and the remains of ... — A Sheaf of Corn • Mary E. Mann
... there isn't a letter for you under the odds and ends," holding it up and gazing resentfully at it; "and now I remember, a letter came for you on the morning of the school-feast, and I said to John, 'I sha'n't forward it, because I shall see Ruth this afternoon,' and, dear me! I just popped it into the basket, for I thought you ... — The Danvers Jewels, and Sir Charles Danvers • Mary Cholmondeley
... the other continued a little resentfully, "is a great country. She has produced many famous men—for example Garibaldi and Dante. The latter wrote the 'Inferno,' the 'Purgatorio,' the 'Paradiso.' The 'Inferno' is the most beautiful." And with ... — Where Angels Fear to Tread • E. M. Forster
... said she resentfully. "How much longer must this go on? Why do not you make your ... — The Leopard Woman • Stewart Edward White et al
... half sneered their leader, scowling resentfully upon Laurence as the warriors crowded around, growling like a pack of baffled wolves. "Had we not better send some in to see if these dogs are indeed ... — The Sign of the Spider • Bertram Mitford
... shies and bucks and kicks like a regular devil. This time he shied at a steam lorry and bucked my feet out of the stirrups. Everybody in the squadron has turned him down, and I'm the junior, I've had to take him." He eyed the animal resentfully. "I'd just like to get him on some grass and knock hell ... — The Red Planet • William J. Locke
... "Say, doc," said he resentfully, "that's a hot bird you keep on tap. I hope I didn't break anything. But I've nearly got the williwalloos, and when he threw them 32-candle-power lamps of his on me, I took a snap-shot at him with that little brass Flatiron Girl that ... — Strictly Business • O. Henry
... And Sandy, with her protest, would lay a cool cheek against her mother's hot one. "Do you have to stay out here, Mother?" she would ask resentfully. "Can't the Culled Lady ... — The Treasure • Kathleen Norris
... "I seriously mean what I say. But, tell me," he demanded resentfully, "why are you here to claim acquaintance ... — The Stretton Street Affair • William Le Queux
... some things perhaps. But not in a matter of this sort. I think he is very interfering," said Olga resentfully. ... — The Keeper of the Door • Ethel M. Dell
... dejection, and she had not waited to remove coat or hat before seeking consolation in the refuge of tears; but there was determination in her expression and in the set of her shoulders when she sat up and looked resentfully at the flat package lying on the table. The imprint of a well-known publishing house was on the wrapping paper, and in her hand was a letter from the same firm, thanking her for the privilege of examining the sketches and regretting that they were not fitted to their immediate needs. She ... — Ainslee's, Vol. 15, No. 6, July 1905 • Various
... Sunday evening he reached for his hat and cane: "I must go somewhere," he complained resentfully. "The saints of my generation are enjoying the saint's rest. Nobody is left but a few long-lived sinners, of whom I am a great part. They are the best I can find, and I suppose they are ... — The Mettle of the Pasture • James Lane Allen
... to send for the police, you'd better start right away," he said; "you've got a telephone, haven't you? Perhaps I'll have a job for the policeman, too. You've no right to assault me, my friend," he said, addressing Pinto resentfully. ... — Jack O' Judgment • Edgar Wallace
... Price that she had been snubbing somebody, for a group of matrons, flushed and drawn apart, were whispering resentfully. Price Ruyler stood in no awe of her. He could match her arrogance, and he liked and admired her more than any of his new friends. They quarreled furiously but she ... — The Avalanche • Gertrude Franklin Horn Atherton
... a trifle resentfully. "Yet was not the very pith of it spoken by Ruskin when he stood upon this identical spot? His words were ... — The Palace of Darkened Windows • Mary Hastings Bradley
... "Others!" echoed Aileen, resentfully and contemptuously. "After you there aren't any others. I just want one man, my Frank. If you ever desert me, I'll go ... — The Financier • Theodore Dreiser
... She, however, will remember nothing of the past, or if she does, it is with repugnance and regret; her manner to me is a sort of cold defiance, not to dare to revive our old intimacy, nor to fancy that I can take up our acquaintanceship from the past. I almost fancied she looked resentfully at the Greek girl for the freedom to which she admitted me—not but there was in the other's coquetry the very stamp of that levity other women are so ready to take offence at; in fact, it constitutes amongst women exactly the same sort of outrage, the same breach of honour and ... — Lord Kilgobbin • Charles Lever
... on, "but on this line—well—and they stick up placards tellin' you to be patient. Patient! With a wife and two kids, and them young jackanapes at Victoria a-howling at you all the time. If there's one thing I 'ate it's bein' 'ustled." He laughed resentfully. "'Come on, get a move on.' 'Jump to it!' Shoutin' and howlin' till you don't know whether you're gettin' on or gettin' orf. Anybody'd think we was a ... — Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 158, March 31, 1920 • Various
... let me rest until I came to you," said the nurse resentfully. "She would have you told that she felt strangely, and before you went forth would have a ... — A Lady of Quality • Frances Hodgson Burnett
... this for Christine," he said resentfully. "Just to get me away, so's I can't trouble her. That's it, isn't it? Tell the ... — The Rose in the Ring • George Barr McCutcheon
... savage got tired of waiting. Those men know not politeness. They should not be spoken to by white men," said Ali, resentfully. ... — An Outcast of the Islands • Joseph Conrad
... The boots were new and fine, laced daintily up the front, and showed their style even through the lack of polish and the coating of dust and ashes. The gauntlets also, though worn and old, were innocent of grease. This was no cub fireman, said Ben, resentfully, as he revolved in mind a scheme or two that should take the stuffing of conceit out of him, when suddenly he paused. "Why, certainly," Ben had it, just another case such as he had been reading about, ... — To The Front - A Sequel to Cadet Days • Charles King
... corner seat next the conductor, where his long legs made it difficult for anyone to get in, and at all who passed him he looked resentfully, as if they had no business to be using ... — Forsyte Saga • John Galsworthy
... no better in the question of service. John Wynter, the head agent of the settlement at Richmonds Island in Maine, wrote thus resentfully in 1639, to Mr. Trelawny, of the London company, of his ... — Customs and Fashions in Old New England • Alice Morse Earle
... mistaken about anything, and he did not like being told that he was, even when the pill was sweetened with the term "old-timer." He rolled his eyes at Ford resentfully. ... — The Uphill Climb • B. M. Bower
... haloed past does not give one a licence to annoy one's neighbours. Madame Depine felt resentfully, and she hated Madame Valiere as a haughty minion of royalty, who kept a cough, which barked loudest in the silence of ... — The Grey Wig: Stories and Novelettes • Israel Zangwill
... books he found, Calm, like a mountain brooding o'er the sea. Nor did he break that calm for all these winds Of rumour that now burst from out the sky. His brow bent like a cliff over his thoughts, And the spy watched him half resentfully, Thinking his news well worth a blacker frown. At last the statesman smiled and answered, "Go; ... — Collected Poems - Volume One (of 2) • Alfred Noyes
... her, speechless. Then, with a vehemence that can better be imagined than described he exclaimed, half-angrily, half-resentfully: ... — The Last Woman • Ross Beeckman
... the time but not worth repeating now. Then came a letter from a nephew, a lieutenant. He gave his experience in crossing Belgium, told how in one village his men asked a young woman with her tiny baby on her arm for water, how she answered resentfully, and then, how he shot her—and her baby. I exclaimed, thinking I had lost the thread of the letter, "Not the baby?" And the man I supposed I knew as civilized, replied with a cruel smile, "Yes—discipline!" ... — Mobilizing Woman-Power • Harriot Stanton Blatch
... confusedly, how in thunderation he was to manage to cram all that confounded truck into the limited amount of trunk space at his command. He was also wondering, resentfully in the names of a dozen familiar spirits, where he had put his pipe: it's simply maddening, the way a fellow's pipe will persist in getting lost at such critical times as when he's packing up to catch ... — The Bandbox • Louis Joseph Vance
... would. I'm worried about Jimmy Adams. Where are you going to put that chap?" asked Mrs. Van, eyeing Pachuca resentfully. ... — Across the Mesa • Jarvis Hall
... sure ain't got any more sense than a two-year-old! Emerson don't care anything about Frenchy Delarue, or what he said at a dozen mass-meetings. He don't hold things against a man that way." Ellhorn ended with another laugh and sat there chuckling while Tom looked at him resentfully. ... — With Hoops of Steel • Florence Finch Kelly
... the flower resentfully "Well, some folks call it one thing and some calls it another I always just call ... — Babbitt • Sinclair Lewis
... looked down at her; at first angrily, resentfully—then with an expression wherein surprise and unbelief ... — Where the Trail Divides • Will Lillibridge
... lost what Hilary termed their "respect" for Elizabeth; they never found her out in a lie, a meanness, or an act of deception or dishonesty. They took her faults as we must take the surface faults of all connected with us—patiently rather than resentfully, seeking to correct rather than to punish. And though there were difficult elements in the household, such as their being three mistresses to be obeyed the youngest mistress a thought too lax and ... — Mistress and Maid • Dinah Craik (aka: Miss Mulock)
... "Say," Bruce answered resentfully, "I came East to raise money for a hydro-electric power plant, not to go into the ring. It looks as if you're taking a good ... — The Man from the Bitter Roots • Caroline Lockhart
... He became more and more distracted. Sir William wandered away like some restless, hunted soul. The Colonel still sat in his chair, nursing his last drop of creme de menthe resentfully. He did not care for the green toffee-stuff. Arthur was busy. The Major lay sprawled in the last stages of everything on the sofa, holding his wife's hand. And the music came pathetically through the open folding-doors. Of course, she played with feeling—it went without saying. Aaron's soul ... — Aaron's Rod • D. H. Lawrence
... glad to have some place I can call all my own," sighed the little girl, "but I know I shall never like her," she added resentfully. ... — Grace Harlowe's Second Year at Overton College • Jessie Graham Flower
... not for the fall that I cried," said Catharine, resentfully, "but because cousin Louis and you laughed at me, and said, 'Cats, you know, have nine lives, and seldom are hurt, because they light on their feet,' and I thought it was very cruel to laugh at me when I was in pain. Beside, you called me 'puss,' and ... — Canadian Crusoes - A Tale of The Rice Lake Plains • Catharine Parr Traill
... ridges; his last beams were gilding the blue-white pinnacles a hundred miles to the east. The shadows where she sat were thickening. She had given up hope of finding the pack train, and she had cut loose from Roaring Bill. It would be just like him to shrug his shoulders and keep on going, she thought resentfully. ... — North of Fifty-Three • Bertrand W. Sinclair
... Francis, he watched the transformation with astonishment. Grudgingly, resentfully, he acknowledged that this was indeed fine acting. He realized, too, that his blind egotism had served merely to prove the truth of the author's criticism and to emphasize his own shortcomings. The idea enraged him, but the ... — Laughing Bill Hyde and Other Stories • Rex Beach
... his last duty, and his son Joseph supports him. The children kneel together by the bedside, the little Ephraim bending his fair head humbly to receive his grandfather's right hand, Manasseh looking up alertly, almost resentfully, as he sees that hand passing over his own head to his brother's. Joseph's wife Asenath, the children's mother, stands beyond, looking on musingly. We see that it is a moment of very solemn interest to all concerned. Though the patriarch's eyes are dim and his ... — Rembrandt - A Collection Of Fifteen Pictures and a Portrait of the - Painter with Introduction and Interpretation • Estelle M. Hurll
... the eyes of Bleyer gleamed resentfully. "You'll have to ask Mr. Kilmeny how he makes his living. I ... — The Highgrader • William MacLeod Raine
... he frankly tells us all about his love for Susanna Curchod, and relates how he visited her, in her splendid Paris home. "She greeted me without embarrassment," says Gibbon, resentfully; "and in the evening Necker left us together in the parlor, bade me good-night, and lighting a candle went off ... — Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great, Vol. 2 of 14 - Little Journeys To the Homes of Famous Women • Elbert Hubbard
... that an 'indiscreet letter'!" she protested almost resentfully. "You might call it a knavish letter. Or a foolish letter. Because either a knave or a fool surely wrote it! But 'indiscreet'? ... — The Indiscreet Letter • Eleanor Hallowell Abbott
... important just then; of course Polly should have her share in it. Left alone to wash the dishes and cook supper while her mother went to town, it was Polly, who did the thinking. She thought entirely too much, thought bitterly, thought disappointedly, and finally thought resentfully, and then alas, Polly thought deceitfully. Her mother had said: "Never let me see you." Very well, she would be extremely careful that she was NOT seen; but before she slept she rather thought she would find a way to let Henry know how she was being abused, ... — A Daughter of the Land • Gene Stratton-Porter
... he likes it, and he's making money, and he's liked by EVERY one. He's on the team, you know, and sings in all the concerts. Wild horses couldn't drag him away from Wheatfield. And why should he go away and study some profession he hates," she rushed on resentfully, "when I'm PERFECTLY satisfied with him as he is? Father asked him if he wouldn't like to study a profession—I ... — Poor, Dear Margaret Kirby and Other Stories • Kathleen Norris
... sins of the laity, he found little opposition, nay, rather support and applause. But when he brought the clergy and monks also within the circle of his condemnation, and began to upbraid them for their covetousness, their ambition, their luxury, their sloth, and for other vices, they turned resentfully upon him, and sought to undermine his authority, everywhere spreading reports of the unsoundness of ... — The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 07 • Various
... sufficiently versed in the study of human nature to know that it has always been thus with men and women, since Eve tried to share her apple with Adam and only got blamed for her pains. Austin blamed himself, bitterly and resentfully, and decided afresh that he was the most utterly ungrateful and unworthy of men. His reflections made him ... — The Old Gray Homestead • Frances Parkinson Keyes
... came for their last dance. He went for it as soon as the number preceding was over; he wanted, not only to miss none of it, but he hungered to snatch all the prelude he could. The conventional-looking young personage she had been dancing with regarded the approaching Mr. Heatherbloom rather resentfully, but he moved straight as an arrow for her. At once she stepped toward him, and he soon found himself walking with her across the smooth shining floor, on into the great conservatory. Here were soft shadows and wondrous ... — A Man and His Money • Frederic Stewart Isham
... what impression he made upon her. Indeed her face was a study for a moment as she measured De Forrest's proportions with a slow, sweeping glance, which he thought one of admiration. But, instead of turning contemptuously or resentfully away, her ... — From Jest to Earnest • E. P. Roe
... The girl looked at her ankle resentfully. It was plain that she did not relish the idea of being under obligations to him. But to attempt to walk so far was out of the question. Even now when she was not using the foot she suffered a good deal ... — The Sheriff's Son • William MacLeod Raine
... on his heel, he disdainfully snatched the handkerchief from his sword-point and strode resentfully away. He had, during this brief colloquy, been covered by the muskets of the entire party under my command; and at its conclusion, though I promptly interfered, I was barely in time to prevent a volley being fired upon him. I learned afterwards that the count, knowing ... — Under the Meteor Flag - Log of a Midshipman during the French Revolutionary War • Harry Collingwood
... you did stick it out," replied the mother, half resentfully, and kissing him upon the forehead pretended to busy herself with ... — Winesburg, Ohio • Sherwood Anderson
... at all," Caroline muttered resentfully, and deliberately opening the door of the brougham, ... — While Caroline Was Growing • Josephine Daskam Bacon
... went on resentfully, almost accusingly, "to throw up this thing just when we're ready to go ahead. Everything's in train; we could ... — Tristram of Blent - An Episode in the Story of an Ancient House • Anthony Hope
... play with Melvina Lyon if she likes her so much," thought Luretta resentfully, and started off up the slope. Luretta was nearly as tidy as when she left home, so she would have no explanations to make on her return. As she went up the slope she turned now and then and looked back, ... — A Little Maid of Old Maine • Alice Turner Curtis
... table with lagging feet and stared resentfully at the white face and haggard eyes that looked back at her from the mirror. It was like the face of a stranger. Aubrey's words came back to her with an irony that was horrible. To-night she did not dress to please ... — The Sheik - A Novel • E. M. Hull
... and resentfully. "Very important! And I'll tell you another thing. I shall probably have ... — The Regent • E. Arnold Bennett
... don't want till git red iv the baste, sich as he is," replied M'Nab resentfully. "But A want thon wee shilty, an' A evened a swap till ye, fur it's a prodistaner thing nor lavin' a man on his ... — Such is Life • Joseph Furphy
... men she had met since she became a widow treated her as an irresponsible being. Many of them tried to flirt with her for the mere pleasure of flirting with so pretty a woman; others, so she was resentfully aware, had only become really interested in her when they became aware that she had been left by her husband with an income of two thousand pounds a year. She had had several offers of marriage since ... — The Chink in the Armour • Marie Belloc Lowndes
... Cornelia turned and stared a bit resentfully into his face. Then suddenly the very gentleness of his smile ignited a little ... — Molly Make-Believe • Eleanor Hallowell Abbott
... there's anything so strange," Mrs. Hale said resentfully, after the outside door had closed on the three men—"our taking up our time with little things while we're waiting for them to get the evidence. I don't see as it's ... — The Best Short Stories of 1917 - and the Yearbook of the American Short Story • Various
... laughing, Miss Harding?" they inquired resentfully. I did not tell them that I was chuckling at my own cleverness in avoiding a personal acknowledgment. I did not know that the Squire had ever seen my writing, but he might have done. No risks ... — The Lady of the Basement Flat • Mrs. George de Horne Vaizey
... them so constantly the feeling that the children's room is a reading and study room that when a child is wandering around aimlessly, not behaving badly but simply killing time, he should be, not crossly nor resentfully, but pleasantly advised to go out into the park to play, as he doesn't feel like reading and this is a LIBRARY. I know that this has an excellent effect in developing the right idea of the purpose ... — Library Work with Children • Alice I. Hazeltine
... for, doggone it?" he demanded resentfully. "Me, I wasn't lookin' for no trouble. ... — The Big-Town Round-Up • William MacLeod Raine
... completed, when he espied fairies walk out of the mansion, all of whom were, with their dangling lotus sleeves, and their fluttering feather habiliments, as comely as spring flowers, and as winsome as the autumn moon. As soon as they caught sight of Pao-y, they all, with one voice, resentfully reproached the Monitory Vision Fairy. "Ignorant as to who the honoured guest could be," they argued, "we hastened to come out to offer our greetings simply because you, elder sister, had told us that, on this day, and at this very ... — Hung Lou Meng, Book I • Cao Xueqin
... Colonel," said the Governor, and thus dealt the Colonel's pride a wound that was to smart resentfully for many a week. At the moment it struck him silent, and sent him stamping out of the shed in a rage for which he could ... — Captain Blood • Rafael Sabatini
... under a sense of shame at his deficiencies, and to feel that he had no claims or rights in the world. He existed on sufferance. The smallest shadow of disapproval caused him to abandon any design, not resentfully but eagerly, as though he was fully aware ... — The Altar Fire • Arthur Christopher Benson
... apprehensively. She flushed resentfully. "But I must go, Papa!" she cried. "I take the salary the church pays me. ... — The Forbidden Trail • Honore Willsie
... moment, after the second subject, "Transcendentalism," had been assigned her, she felt "old Adam" beginning to stir resentfully again, for she was impressed that, when the topic came up for discussion, certain members of the club intended to make her the ... — Katherine's Sheaves • Mrs. Georgie Sheldon
... that the lorry driver you saw?" Merriman focused the glass on the chauffeur and recognized him instantly. It was the same dark, aquiline-featured man who had stared at him so resentfully on the occasion of his first visit to the mill, ... — The Pit Prop Syndicate • Freeman Wills Crofts
... ask anybody to believe the story," she said, resentfully. "All the same, it is true. There are pieces of Spanish gold and silver coins, in boxes bound with iron and fitted with hasps and staples; packages of gems; pearls from the Caribbean as large as plums. Oh? Sebastian told ... — Rainbow's End • Rex Beach
... plot seemed to go to pieces at the sight of her. At the mere appearance of his frail and motionless foe a feeling of awkward helplessness dissolved his easy confidence. He now reversed every move he had so carefully made with his hands and, resentfully eying Nan, rode in somewhat behind Sassoon, doing nothing further than to pull his kerchief up about his neck, and wondering what would be likely to happen before the next three minutes were up. Beyond that flash the future held no interest for ... — Nan of Music Mountain • Frank H. Spearman
... woman came to the apartment; Boswell shrank from them, not bitterly or resentfully, but sensitively. Men took him more or less for granted when he touched their lives; women overdid the determination, on their parts, to set him at ease. Long since he had turned his poor, misshapen back upon the very natural and legitimate desire for the happy mingling of both ... — The Place Beyond the Winds • Harriet T. Comstock
... The saddest of all is an old warrior with mighty jowl and a face that bears the scars of a hundred fights. One eye has been lost in some long-forgotten encounter. Now they walk over him, kittens and all, and tread about his head, as if he were a hillock of earth, while his claws twitch resentfully with rage or pain. ... — Alone • Norman Douglas
... tiniest crevices. There were two rooms in the attic. In the first one the slaves huddled among piles of furniture. The west room held the children's pallets and tante-gra'mere's lowly substitute for her leviathan bed. She sat up among pillows, blinking resentfully. Angelique at once had a pair of bedroom screens brought in, and stretched a wall of privacy across the corner thus occupied; but tante-gra'mere as promptly had them rearranged to give her a tunnel for observation. In chaotic anger and terror she ... — Old Kaskaskia • Mary Hartwell Catherwood
... to irritate Kelson. "I wish, my dear Hugh, I could take it half as coolly as you do," he exclaimed resentfully. ... — The Hunt Ball Mystery • Magnay, William
... photographs and two oleographs in gilt frames. One of the photographs was the portrait of Manfred's first wife, a very plain, fat woman. Then there were tiny cartes of Manfred's father and mother—regular horrors they must have been, so Polly thought resentfully. The oleographs were views of Heidelberg and of the ... — Good Old Anna • Marie Belloc Lowndes
... the dog, if it's to be put out," growled Doctor Parris. "I know a good dog when I see one," he muttered resentfully. ... — Old Mr. Wiley • Fanny Greye La Spina
... crying!" she charged, resentfully, as if the act constituted a personal offence. "You can't deceive me. The pillow is soaked, and your eyes are red." She came forward, impulsively, and threw herself on the bed, ... — A Breath of Prairie and other stories • Will Lillibridge
... thought Miss Summers, "be a part of the furniture, for all he sees in me." She did not think it resentfully, though with an odd little twinge of disappointment. She regarded him as a very superior young man, the sort she had always wanted to know. But she had made a promise and she would not ... — The House of Toys • Henry Russell Miller
... pang how fast it was going up. The thought haunted her all day long, but she could not leave Jim to take any steps toward retrieving her opportunity, and after that first visit Inches did not come in again. She took out her big check once or twice in the course of the day and looked at it resentfully; and as she brooded upon the matter, it was borne in upon her with peculiar force that she had made a fatal blunder in exchanging her "chances" for that fixed, inexpansive sum. Had it not been cowardly in her to yield so easily? Supposing Dayton ... — Peak and Prairie - From a Colorado Sketch-book • Anna Fuller
... bring his cigar into the drawing-room, for Tante would smoke her cigarette with him, and there, until bedtime, things went as well as they had at dinner—or as badly; for part of their badness, Gregory more and more resentfully became aware, was that they were made to seem to go well, from her side, ... — Tante • Anne Douglas Sedgwick
... him resentfully, "you'll make a nice bishop, you will, usin' the language we heard a ... — Explorers of the Dawn • Mazo de la Roche
... loved her; that was wrong; and it was shameful that he should have urged her to disobey her father. But this hero's love of her might plead excuses she did not know of; and if he was to be excused, he, unhappy that he was, had a claim on her for more than tears. She wept resentfully. Forces above her own swayed and hurried her like a lifeless body dragged by flying wheels: they could not unnerve her will, or rather, what it really was, her sense of submission to a destiny. Looked at from the height ... — The Shaving of Shagpat • George Meredith
... clung about every corner of the dark old house had helped her, but now she was forced to face a crisis which none of her people had known. It was not one of the hardships of life which were to be accepted, and the hot rebellion of her girlhood burned in her aching old heart. She thought resentfully of the doctor's blind and stony lack of understanding. His last ironic sentence came to her mind and she flamed at the recollection. Yes, it did take the whole valley to hold her, the valley which ... — Hillsboro People • Dorothy Canfield
... the credit in the first place!" interrupts the farmer resentfully. "Do you dare to blame me, Mister, for cutting out all these unnecessary middle charges when by proper organization I am able to finance myself and take advantage of cash discounts on ... — Deep Furrows • Hopkins Moorhouse
... play me for a ninny, if you like," she said resentfully. "You'll get a heap more out of me, in ... — Mary Louise • Edith van Dyne (one of L. Frank Baum's pen names)
... almost with the full privilege of childish inconsequence, resentfully, though with a long sweetness in her ... — The Turn of the Screw • Henry James
... been a glorious day. She recalled it now smoulderingly, resentfully. Different, indeed, was the tragic present. No one to play with—that was bad enough. But there were still worse conditions. She was not even allowed to play by herself! Rover had been banished to a neighbor's, the kitten had been lent generously to the Joyce children, ... — Many Kingdoms • Elizabeth Jordan
... and was waiting for the eggs and coffee, resentfully eying the early risers who were now coming in for their coffee and rolls. They had slept—he could tell by the complacent manner in which their hair was combed and by the interest they found in the scenery which he had come, by tedious ... — The Husbands of Edith • George Barr McCutcheon
... gone into the house, Ursula, turning impatiently from the window, tripped and almost fell over the big ball of homespun yarn her father had flung on the floor. For a moment she gazed at it resentfully—then, with a gay little laugh, she pounced on it. The next moment she was at her table, writing a brief note to Kenneth MacNair. When it was written, Ursula unwound the gray ball to a considerable depth, pinned the note on it, and rewound the yarn ... — The Golden Road • Lucy Maud Montgomery
... something of the dread of a woman who finds herself suddenly with child. When Ulick came to her she did not notice him, and when he asked her to do some music with him she refused, and when he put his arms about her she drew away sullenly, almost resentfully. ... — Evelyn Innes • George Moore
... grey suit, she protested that silk hat and frock coat were imperative. I was recalcitrant, she quoted an illustrated paper showing a garden party with the King present, and finally I capitulated—but after my evil habit, resentfully.... Eh, dear! those old quarrels, how pitiful they were, how trivial! And how sorrowful they are to recall! I think they grow more sorrowful as I grow older, and all the small passionate reasons for our mutual anger fade and ... — Tono Bungay • H. G. Wells
... dare call him a young pup, Robert MacLaurin," retorted Miss Vost resentfully. "He is a fine young man. I admire him and I respect ... — Peter the Brazen - A Mystery Story of Modern China • George F. Worts
... additions, he departed. For a few moments the doctor's eyes were closed in expectant rapture; his breathing grew so stertorous that his callers were becoming alarmed; but he spoke at last, reluctantly, resentfully. ... — Ashton-Kirk, Investigator • John T. McIntyre
... suddenly. "He's got an iron bar in that rope!" They had come too late to see the parachute drop. Tristan grinned and pulled himself down the rope, which of course fell limp behind him. At this, the crowd jeered and booed the too-hasty youth, who became so resentfully abusive of Tristan that one of the attendants pushed him out of the tent. As he passed me, I caught ... — Disowned • Victor Endersby
... for a while, still quickly breathing, Then started up and walked about the room resentfully: "O woman, witch, whom I, in sooth, against my will have wedded, Why castedst thou ... — Late Lyrics and Earlier • Thomas Hardy
... the sheet and gazed at it in disgust. Then he glanced resentfully at his sling-supported right arm, especially at the fingers which protruded from the bandages in unaccustomed limp whiteness. Then he shook his left fist at it. "You'll do some work the minute you come out of those splints," he said. "You'll work your passage back to fitness quicker than an ... — Red Pepper Burns • Grace S. Richmond
... you will not think that," she said, flushing almost resentfully. "I have thought these things, as the Scripture tells us to meditate on the Law, day and night, sleeping and waking, standing ... — Children of the Ghetto • I. Zangwill
... cushions of the couch rather resentfully. "Well, at least you can go on and tell me," ... — The Gates of Chance • Van Tassel Sutphen
... to take me on the river," said Tishy in a low voice to Larry, looking resentfully at ... — Mount Music • E. Oe. Somerville and Martin Ross
... almost everywhere manifest. There is a profound homage to its Founder, coupled with that strong resentment towards His Indian disciples. Christ Himself is acknowledged; His church is still foreign and British. Resentfully ruled by a Christian nation, but subdued by Christ Himself, is the state of educated India to-day. In spite of His alien birth and in spite of anti-British bias, Christ has passed within the pale of Indian recognition. Indian eyes, focused at last, are fastened upon Him, and men wonder at ... — New Ideas in India During the Nineteenth Century - A Study of Social, Political, and Religious Developments • John Morrison
... with absolute distinctness, and the one last to come was most decided and enduring. Thus he met her gaze, and so ardent, intense and continuous was his, that she reddened cheek and forehead, and drew down the veil; but not, it should be understood, resentfully. ... — The Prince of India - Or - Why Constantinople Fell - Volume 1 • Lew. Wallace
... smoothed her hair and looked a little resentfully at Lessingham. He was wearing a brown tweed knickerbocker suit, and he carried a gun ... — The Zeppelin's Passenger • E. Phillips Oppenheim
... anything," he would resentfully say: "they were fortunate enough to enter life by the golden gate. Their every wish is gratified; they enjoy wealth, position, home affection, and have a splendid ... — File No. 113 • Emile Gaboriau
... was not far distant, he felt that this excuse, if one were needed, was entirely adequate. To his chagrin, he found that she was not at home. The maid informed him further that she had gone to New York for a week. As he walked slowly away, he wondered almost resentfully at this sudden disappearance, as if he felt that she ought to stay in Warwick and watch the result of her experiment. But he did not consider that if the daughters of men would be clothed like the lilies of the field, they must seek periodically the place ... — The Mayor of Warwick • Herbert M. Hopkins
... Bessie, starting up and upsetting the petted Persian, which had been reposing in her lap, and which now skulked off resentfully, with a swollen tail, to hide its indignation under a chair, 'you are as bad as an oracle. I have yards and yards of frilling to sew on before ... — The Golden Calf • M. E. Braddon
... Slim, popping up from below on a heaving horse. Slim was getting fatter every year, and his horses always puffed when they climbed a hill under his weight. His round eyes glared resentfully at the man and the shack and at the three who were sitting there so quietly on their horses—just as if they had ridden up for a friendly call. "Ain't this shack on your land?" he ... — The Flying U's Last Stand • B. M. Bower
... got you fast, my beauty!" sighed the Little Doctor, woefully. "Why didn't you jump over the fence—I think you COULD—and run, run, to freedom?" She grew quite melodramatic over the humiliation of the horse she had chosen to champion, and glared resentfully when Chip threw his saddle, with no gentle hand, upon the sleek back and tightened the cinches with a few ... — Chip, of the Flying U • B. M. Bower
... on earth have you brought it back for, then?" he said, blinking his heavy eyes and looking at me resentfully, as if he suspected I ... — To-morrow? • Victoria Cross
... to live by our looks for all these centuries, surely the instinct that Professor Theobald thinks himself so penetrating to have discovered in clever women, is accounted for simply enough by heredity," Hadria said to herself, resentfully. ... — The Daughters of Danaus • Mona Caird
... truth, we shall, according to our mood, humbly congratulate ourselves that ... we are permitted to stand on the giant's shoulders, and enjoy an outlook that would be quite hidden to us, if we had to trust to our own short legs; or we may resentfully chafe at our bonds and, like Prometheus, vainly strive to wrest ourselves from the rock of the past, in our eagerness to bring relief to the ... — Human Traits and their Social Significance • Irwin Edman
... American idea to be too content; it means running to seed, a weakening of the will and the vital force. If I remained too long in that lovely land—so admirably governed that I could not have lost myself, or my cat, had I possessed one—I should in no long course yield utterly to a certain resentfully admitted tendency to dream and drift and live for pure beauty; finally desert my own country with the comfortable reflection: Why all this bustle, this desire to excel, to keep in the front rank, to find pleasure in individual work, when so many artistic achievements are ... — New York Times Current History; The European War, Vol 2, No. 5, August, 1915 • Various
... Golightly Ticke, taking off his boots. He went to bed rather resentfully conscious of the difference there was in the benefactions ... — A Daughter of To-Day • Sara Jeannette Duncan (aka Mrs. Everard Cotes)
... as cold as ice," exclaimed the woman, half- resentfully. "I'm the only one who seems to feel it. I—I'm positively delirious. My partners look at me in the strangest way, as if they thought I were liable to become ... — The Ne'er-Do-Well • Rex Beach
... as the next winter approached, though in less volume. Every house and lodging in Millsborough was full, prices had gone up badly, and life in Millsborough was becoming extremely uncomfortable for its normal inhabitants—"all along o' these panicky aliens!" thought the ticket-collector, resentfully, as he ... — Harvest • Mrs. Humphry Ward
... breath," Howat Penny recommended; "a breath, and a cigarette." He extended his case; and, in place of taking a cigarette, Polder examined the case resentfully. "There is it," he declared; "correct, like all the rest of you. And it's only old leather. But mine would be different. I could sink and Mariana wouldn't put out a hand just on account of that. It's wrong," he insisted. Expressed in that manner it did seem to ... — The Three Black Pennys - A Novel • Joseph Hergesheimer
... abstractedly upon the man of tense, would thrust his hand under his peruke, and rub, rub, rub his polished scalp, which all the while effused a divine ichor—(poets never perspire)—and, when he was gently reminded that his wig was a little awry towards the left side, he would pluck it, resentfully, equally as much awry on the right; and then, to punish the offending and displacing hand, he would commence gnawing off the nails of his fingers, rich with the moisture from above. We have recorded this little personal ... — Rattlin the Reefer • Edward Howard
... meadow, Breyette and MacDonald chattering lightly, Thompson rather preoccupied. It was turning out so different from what he had fondly imagined it would be. He had envisaged a mode of living and a manner of people, a fertile field for his labors, which he began to perceive resentfully could never have existed save in his imagination. He had been full of the impression, and the advice and information bestowed upon him by the Board of Missions had served to heighten the impression, that in Lone Moose ... — Burned Bridges • Bertrand W. Sinclair
... illuminated the beribboned diploma in Miss Priscilla's mind had passed to Virginia also, the girl bit back a retort that was trembling on her lips. "I wonder if she can be getting to know things?" thought the older woman as she watched her, and she added half resentfully, "I've sometimes suspected that Gabriel Pendleton was almost too mild and easy going for a clergyman. If the Lord hadn't made him a saint, Heaven knows what ... — Virginia • Ellen Glasgow |