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Wildcat   /wˈaɪldkˌæt/   Listen

Outside the bounds of legitimate or ethical business practices.  "Wildcat stock speculation" , "A wildcat airline" , "Wildcat life insurance schemes"
Without official authorization.  Synonyms: unauthorised, unauthorized.  "Wildcat work stoppage"
(of a mine or oil well) drilled speculatively in an area not known to be productive.  "A wildcat mine" , "Wildcat drilling" , "Wildcat wells"

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"Wildcat" Quotes from Famous Books

... he would be at Hixon. There were many things which his brain must attack and digest in these hours. He must arrange his plan of action to its minutest detail, because he would have as little time for reflection, once he had reached his own country, as a wildcat flung into a ...
— The Call of the Cumberlands • Charles Neville Buck

... I'll never forget how you went on. Never heard a woman swear like you before. Never seen one go on like you went on. And when you hit Dick, Millie, for what you said he'd done, I felt bad for Dick, though I hadn't much cause to care for what happened to him. Millie, girl, you was a regular wildcat when the doctor told you what was coming. You didn't want no ...
— The Mother • Norman Duncan

... road," said the driver, doubtfully. "Still, if they can make it with one car we can with another, I reckon. Goes up Wildcat Canyon after a bit; nobody living up there since that old Mexican died. Say, d'you suppose they'd take her up to that old cabin? Gosh, we'd better hit ...
— Across the Mesa • Jarvis Hall

... been quietly neglecting their duties while taking a few chances, sit unmoved. Mr. Snivel thinks the woman better be removed. "Our half-starved mechanics," he says, "are a depraved set; and these wives they bring with them from the North are a sort of cross between a lean stage-driver and a wildcat. She seems a poor, destitute creature-just what they all come to, out here." Mr. Snivel shrugs his shoulders, bids George good night, and takes his departure. "Take care of yourself, George," he says admonitiously, as the destitute man watches him take ...
— Justice in the By-Ways - A Tale of Life • F. Colburn Adams

... the man, woman and child, in the cave slept as soundly as sleep the drunken or the just. They were full-fed and warm and safe. No beast of a size greater than that of a lank wolf or sinewy wildcat could enter the cave through the narrow entrance between the heaped-up rocks, and of these, as of any other dangerous beast, there was none which would face what barred even the narrow passage, for ...
— The Story of Ab - A Tale of the Time of the Cave Man • Stanley Waterloo

Words linked to "Wildcat" :   sand cat, panther, catamount, jaguarundi, cougar, catamountain, Felis serval, exploratory, jaguarondi, Felis tigrina, unofficial, Felis chaus, eyra, margay, tiger cat, Felis bengalensis, serval, Felis manul, Felis wiedi, kaffir cat, panther cat, Felis concolor, wolf, Felis yagouaroundi, Felis, cat, mountain lion, jungle cat, leopard cat, Felis ocreata, assaulter, painter, margay cat, aggressor, Pallas's cat, genus Felis, oiler, unsound, oil well, jaguarundi cat, assailant, Felis pardalis, ocelot, puma, attacker, beast, manul, lynx, caffer cat, explorative, Felis silvestris, true cat

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